19 May Mythbuster Facts About Covid-19
“Concept Your Kitchen” (CYK Hospitalities) is concerned for the people in our country, educating and informing about the right things that can save lives, and knowing the myths will help in better protection of oneself.
FACTS: Hand sanitizers can be used often
An alcohol-based sanitizer does not create antibiotic resistance. Unlike other antiseptics and antibiotics, pathogens (harmful germs) do not seem to develop resistance to alcohol-based sanitizers.
FACTS: It is safer to frequently clean your hands and not wear gloves
Wearing gloves risks transferring germs from one surface to another and contaminating your hands when removing them. Wearing gloves does not replace cleaning hands. Health workers wear gloves only for specific tasks.
FACTS: An alcohol-based hand rub is listed as a WHO essential medicine
Clean hands protect patients, health workers, other caregivers, and everyone from infection. Cleaning your hands is one of the key measures to prevent disease.
FACTS: Vitamin and mineral supplements cannot cure COVID-19
Micronutrients, such as vitamins D and C and zinc, are critical for a well-functioning immune system and play a vital role in promoting health and nutritional well-being. There is currently no guidance on the use of micronutrient supplements as a treatment of COVID-19.
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