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Exploring the World of Gastronomy: Types and Trends

Exploring the World of Gastronomy: Types and Trends

Exploring the World of Gastronomy: Types and Trends


Gastronomy is a broad and dynamic field, including the art, science, and culture of food and eating. Eating is more than just consuming food; it’s also about discovering new tastes, methods, and cooking customs. We’ll explore the numerous subfields of gastronomy in this blog, each with special traits and contributions to the culinary community. We’ll also discuss CYK Hospitalities’s viewpoint on various culinary subtypes and how we apply our expertise to help our customers.

Types of Gastronomy

  1. Traditional Gastronomy

The goal of traditional gastronomy is to preserve and honor the cooking techniques and recipes that have been handed down through the ages. It places a focus on using traditional culinary techniques and regional ingredients.

Examples: baking in France, preparing sushi in Japan, and creating pasta in Italy.

The depth of traditional cuisine is something we at CYK Hospitalities cherish. To create authentic culinary experiences that honor cultural history, we help clients find authentic products and master time-honored techniques.

  1. Molecular Gastronomy

Molecular gastronomy is the application of science and cuisine to produce novel forms and flavors from food. It includes methods like using liquid nitrogen and spherification and gelification.

Examples: Ferran Adrià’s olive oil caviar, Heston Blumenthal’s multisensory dishes.

While molecular gastronomy has seen a decline, we recognize its innovative spirit. We help our clients incorporate elements of molecular techniques to enhance their menus, blending them with more traditional methods for a balanced and intriguing dining experience.

  1. Fusion Gastronomy

Fusion gastronomy creates new, hybrid foods by fusing culinary traditions from other countries. It enables flavor and technical merging as well as artistic experimentation.

Examples: Tex-Mex cuisine, sushi burritos, Korean tacos.

We advise our clients to investigate fusion cuisine as a means of being creative and drawing in a wide range of customers. Through our training programs, chefs can acquire the skills necessary to effectively blend many culinary traditions.

  1. Nouvelle Cuisine

Nouvelle cuisine is a contemporary cooking movement that prioritizes light, airy meals with beautifully presented ingredients. Creative plating and an emphasis on the inherent flavors of the products are frequently involved.

Examples: Light sauces, smaller portions, minimalist presentation.

CYK Hospitalities on fine ingredients and elegant presentation to uphold the ideals of nouvelle cuisine. We assist our clients in using this sophisticated strategy to draw in discriminating diners. 

  1. Farm-to-Table Gastronomy

Purchasing food straight from nearby farms is a key component of farm-to-table cuisine. It encourages a close relationship between the farm and the plate, sustainability, and freshness.

Examples: Seasonal menus, organic produce, locally-sourced meats.

CYK Hospitalities has sustainability as one of its key values. To improve their culinary offerings, we assist clients in establishing connections with nearby farmers, creating seasonal menus, and implementing sustainable methods.

  1. Vegan and Plant-Based Gastronomy

The goal of plant-based and vegan cooking is to provide meals that are completely devoid of animal ingredients. The utilization of vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes to prepare wholesome and delectable meals is emphasized.

Examples: Vegan burgers, plant-based desserts, dairy-free cheeses.

We assist our clients in adding creative vegan foods to their menus in response to the growing demand for plant-based options. These options are guaranteed to be tasty and well-balanced thanks to our experience in plant-based gastronomy.

CYK Hospitalities’ Approach to Gastronomy

At CYK Hospitalities, we understand that the culinary world is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of trends is crucial for success. Our approach to gastronomy involves a blend of tradition and innovation, ensuring our clients can offer unique and compelling dining experiences. Here’s how we apply our knowledge to benefit our clients:

  1. Food walks

Our culinary tours provide immersive experiences in different gastronomic cultures, allowing our clients to gain firsthand knowledge and inspiration.

  1. Customized Training Programs to Staff

We develop tailored training programs that address the specific needs of our clients, from mastering traditional techniques to experimenting with fusion and molecular gastronomy.

  1. Consultation Services

Our expert consultants provide insights on menu development, ingredient sourcing, and sustainable practices, helping clients create exceptional dining experiences.


Gastronomy is a diverse and dynamic field that encompasses a wide range of culinary practices and traditions. From the timeless appeal of traditional gastronomy to the cutting-edge techniques of molecular gastronomy, each type offers unique opportunities for creativity and innovation. At CYK Hospitalities, we are dedicated to helping our clients navigate this exciting landscape, leveraging our expertise to ensure their success in the ever-evolving world of gastronomy.

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