12 May Ecovative Design
A biotech company in upstate New York designs products made from the root structures of mushrooms. At Ecovative in Green Island, New York, engineers, biologists, and designers are harvesting its potential to reduce plastic consumption and feed the planet.
Their first product, a packaging material made from mycelium and agricultural waste, is a lot like Styrofoam and can be used to package anything from a computer to a candle. The difference is that Mushroom Packaging only takes 30 days to compost.
Their second product, MycoFlex, is a foamy structure of pure mycelium. It can replace polyurethane products like makeup sponges or be pounded down to create a leatherlike textile.
The third product, Atlast, is a meatless alternative to chicken, steak, bacon, scallops, clams, and many more in development.
Growing all three of these products is surprisingly eco-friendly. For example, it takes over 575 gallons of water to produce one pound of pork, but only 1.25 gallons of water to grow 1 pound of mycelium bacon.
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