29 May DNA Diets
The idea that one diet suits all is not the case, as each individual and body type is different and every individual is unique. Research has investigated DNA and how a diet can be created from each gene in one’s body to get a diet personalized and suited to the individual. A DNA diet tries to overcome the struggles people face when it comes to dieting as it provides a diet based solely on an individual’s DNA.
Nutrigenomics is the study of the relationship between nutrition and the human genome. DNA sequencing has allowed the examination of various genetic traits that are associated with multiple states of health and disease. Some researchers and diet developers believed that examining one’s DNA can help determine which diet would be most appropriate for an individual’s health.
It is a technology that is likely in near future to influence our eating habits, Concept Your Kitchen (CYK Hospitalities) inform their readers of such clenching development in the industry.
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